karenbarlowstylist.co.uk - Karen Barlow

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This year I turned 59 and so with my next big birthday milestone within sight I started to realise, without sounding morbid, just realistic, that time is not finite and that there were a lot of places that I wanted to see and so I’d better start making a plan.

I’ve never had a bucket list and that maybe is where lies the problem. I’ve always been quite flexible when making holiday plans, partly maybe because for the last 21 years, since having my youngest child, I’ve either been unemployed, although working really frickin hard as a full time mum, or freelance, since changing careers and becoming a stylist. So making plans a year or so in advance, as many people I know do, has never been a luxury we have afforded.

It’s always been let’s see how much money we’ve jointly earned and how much my tax bill is in April before booking anything and so plans have always been a bit more fly by the seat of our pants, kind of plans.

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