kamikazestuntfilms.com - kamikazestuntfilms |

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Kamikaze Stunt Films is a site that showcases movies that have been homemade by regular everyday people. The movies that make up the heart of this site got their inspiration from 1970’s films like “Hooper,” “Smokey and the Bandit” and “Cannonball Run.”  As teens, we started a stunt man group and called it “Kamikaze Stunt Films.” Inspired by these 1970’s filmmakers we took a pledge to make a stunt movie every summer and have some fun. Because video cameras in the 70’s had very little editing capabilities, we

The Oscars For Everyday People

These effects were limited to the use of models, false perspective and other in-camera effects, unless the creator could find someone willing to jump from car to car or hang from the edge of a  skyscraper : the  stunt performer   or  stunt double .