kaleidoscopetrust.com - Home - Kaleidoscope Trust

Description: Kaleidoscope Trust is a UK-based charity focused on fighting for the human rights of LGBTI+ people across the Commonwealth and beyond.

uk charity (32) kaleidoscope trust – freedom (1) safety and equality for lgbt+ people (1) charity organisations in united kingdom (1)

Example domain paragraphs

In 67 countries around the world, LGBT+ people are criminalised because of who they are and who they love. In half of those countries, homophobic laws originally passed during Britain’s colonial rule have yet to be repealed. The prejudices of the past have very real consequences in our present. Established in 2011, Kaleidoscope Trust is a UK-based charity focused on fighting for the human rights of LGBTI+ people across the Commonwealth and beyond. We fund, fight for and empower those upholding the human rig

Towards an equal world for women, girls and LGBT+ people

Safeguarding the rights of LGBT+ communities in the post-pandemic Commonwealth

Links to kaleidoscopetrust.com (6)