kaitmatthews.com - Illustrator | Artist | Kait Matthews

Description: Kait Matthews is a First Nations Canadian living stateside. She is a fine artist and illustrator. This site showcases her indigenous portraits of women, conceptual illustrations. She is illustator of Clarity Tarot, and the soon to be published FlowerWise Oracle Deck. Check out her shop for clothing, accessories, journals and home goods.

illustrator (5596) portrait artist (205) san diego artist (35) indigenous art (34) digital illustrator (31) tarot deck (28) indigenous artist (11) native artist (8) kait matthews (1) native canadian artist (1)

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The Clarity Tarot Deck

SHOW YOUR SUPPORT September 30, 2021, was the inaugural National Day of Truth and Reconciliation in memory of and to honor the children who suffered in the residential school system, not just in Canada, but also in the USA, and to recognize the trauma survivors still experience.

Here is your opportunity to support and acknowledge this important day each and every year by displaying and sharing this artwork by, native artist, Kait Matthews with others.