kait0.github.io - Bernhard Jaeger

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I am a PhD student at the University of Tübingen, where I am part of the Autonomous Vision Group led by Prof. Andreas Geiger . I am part of the International Max Plank Research School for Intelligent Systems . Research: My main interests are in autonomy and computer vision. My work currently focuses on end-to-end autonomous driving approaches. I like to think about autonomous driving from a holistic perspective and evaluate entire systems closed-loop.

Bio: I studied B.Sc. Informatics: Games Engineering at the Technical University of Munich . Following that I worked for 1 year as a software developer at FERCHAU where I developed the graphics software for a digital light technology. Afterwards I did a M.Sc. in Computer Science at the University of Tübingen . I started my PhD at the Autonomous Vision Group in April 2022.

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