k8ssn.com - K8SSN Virtual Shack

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Contact me at [email protected]  

I am an Amateur Extra and have been a Ham for many, many years. I retired from General Mills in Cincinnati and now live in the Indian River Colony Club, Viera, Florida.  I have been doing websites as a hobby since the early days of the inter-web, putting my first personal webpage up in the '90's. I have gone from pirating webpages to learn code to using Dreamweaver to build webpages. I build sites as a hobby and am willing to help Amateur Radio Clubs to build their sites. Due to the time envolved in buildin

My primary QTH is located in Viera, Florida (Indian River Colony Club. My shack consist of a Flex-3000, IC-746Pro,  IC-8000 and 800W amplifier.  Because of land restrictions, I have a 43' vertical as my only HF antenna.

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