jwgc2022.cz - Junior World Gliding Championships 2022 – 30 Jul – 13 Aug 2022 @ LKTA – Tábor, Czech republic

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30 Jul – 13 Aug 2022 @ LKTA – Tábor, Czech republic

After years of preparation, more than three weeks of intensive work and 11 flying competition days it is over now. The results are final, awards have been given out and the competition has been declared closed. The airfield that has been full of gliders, tents and caravans just a few hours ago is empty now. The briefing hangar, competition office and the restaurant that have been busy with people for the last three weeks are now closed and empty. But while there is little that remains in Tábor that would re

We had an extremely enjoyable competition thanks to a number of important aspects. The most crucial part has been all the people that formed the unforgettable atmosphere of the competition. A big thanks need to go to the enthusiasm of all the pilots, team captains, crew members, staff and audience. Huge thanks also need to go to the sponsors of the competition who made it possible to be organised in the first place. Thanks to their generosity we were able to provide a world-class experience for the pilots a

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