jwboard.org - info-board.org - The digital information board

Description: info-board.org is a free web application to make plans and documents quickly and easily accessible to larger groups of people.

plan (1838) bulletin board (826) dokumente (208) versammlung (30) notice board (28) schwarzes brett (15) zeugen jehovas (7) jwboard (2) verkündiger (2) info-board (2)

Example domain paragraphs

jwboard.org offers you the opportunity to make the analog 'bulletin board' in your congregation hall accessible to any publisher at any time through modern technology. Access from anywhere where there is Internet jwboard.org works on any device with an Internet browser. So you can access your data from anywhere. All communication is transmitted securely and encrypted.

If you prefer to work with paper, you can of course also print out any plan (if this option has been activated for the plan).

Of course, not everyone should be able to change, add or even delete plans. Therefore there are different user levels with different permissions.

Links to jwboard.org (1)