jwalton.info - It's more fun to compute

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Autoregressive (AR) models represent a popular type of statistical model. They are used to describe processes which evolve through time. Often then, a statistician is interested in fitting such a model to real data, with the intention of using the fitted model to make predictions about the future. Read More

Matplotlib’s pgf backend is pretty great, allowing plots to be exported directly from python to pgf drawing commands . These drawing commands can be inserted directly into a LaTeX .tex document, and so the generated plot will be realised at compile time. This method of embedding plots into a LaTeX document allows a quick and easy method to ensure that fonts between your document body and plots match. Read More

The numpy package is at the core of scientific computing in python. It is the go-to tool for implementing any numerically intensive tasks. The popular pandas package is also built on top of the capabilities of numpy. Read More