justsomeguy.us - Justsomeguy

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I hope that this will be a place where you can find information quickly regarding our election system. Many of us have learned that election integrity has been a problem for decades, but now it has come to a head. We need information to correct the results of this election and prevent it from happening again. I hope you will find useful information here. I've learned much since I first started this project and in the coming days and weeks, I'll be updating this site and adding more content. Let's roll.

I'm going to beat this like a drum for the rest of my days. We need a new paradigm on public service. As people retire, they should expect to do public service for 2 to 6 years or so. That could take many forms. Run for office. Work elections for a four year cycle. Attend commissioners' courts, city council meetings and the water board and report what you see to your friends and neighbors. Speak up at the meetings when something doesn't sound right.

I think there is a place for Grand parents at school board meetings, but that seems to be a job for the parents whose kids are in schools. The grand parents maybe should likely be keeping an eye on the state level education stuff.