justingustainis.com - Justin Gustainis

Description: Fiction writer Justin Gustainis is also an American college professor.

witchcraft (383) dracula (95) black magic (66) paranormal investigator (23) white witch (5) paranormal detective (2) occult detective (1) occult investigator (1) supernatural detective (1) supernatural investigator (1)

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Justin Gustainis: Scary Scribe

Here you can keep up to date with my books, my short stories, my appearances, and new developments in my life and career (if there aren't any, I'll make some up, just to keep things interesting).

Strange Days, Indeed Strange Magic, the new Morris and Chastain novella, was recently released &#151 in both Mobi and ePub format. What's this one about? I'm so glad you asked... The war against terrorism has bedeviled America's leaders for decades. Now a new threat &#151 the Caliphate &#151 has arisen in the Middle East, and its ruthless plans for conquest pose a greater threat than al Qaeda ever did. U.S. officials are stymied &#151 how to thwart these fanatics without sending American troops into yet ano