justin-liang.com - Justin Liang

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CV Justin Liang Currently I am a Research Scientist at Waabi . Prior to that, I was a Research Scientist at Uber ATG Toronto. I completed my MSc in Computer Science (Machine Learning Group) at the University of Toronto (2016-2018) and was supervised by Raquel Urtasun . Prior to that I completed my BASc in Mechanical Engineering (Mechatronics Program) at the University of British Columbia (2011-2016). My research interests lie on the intersection of Computer Vision and Machine Learning. My CV is available he

My e-mail is justin dot j dot w dot liang at gmail dot com.

Shivam Duggal* , Zihao Wang* , Wei-Chiu Ma , Siva Manivasagam , Justin Liang , Shenlong Wang , Raquel Urtasun . (WACV 2022) [ Paper ] [ Video ]

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