justanotherblahblahblahblog.com - "Just Another BlaH BlaH BlaH BloG." – Gratitude, self-Acceptances, Wisdom, Open-Heart, Truly, Madly, Deeply, Love

Description: Gratitude, self-Acceptances, Wisdom, Open-Heart, Truly, Madly, Deeply, Love

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Gratitude, self-Acceptances, Wisdom, Open-Heart, Truly, Madly, Deeply, Love

Often, most of us recapitulate the past repeatedly, regretting what we did or did not do. I do not regret most mistakes; there were many along the way.  I have had many conversations with myself and friends about the past, the things I did not that were not so great, and the many good things that have […]

something to ponder THE TRUTH SEEMS LIKE INSANITY The ego is a state of insanity in which what is true and false are completely confused with each other.  In ego, we have conditional love. We believe that some things are just downright evil, guilty, bad, and wrong. We categorize the world into a hierarchy and decide certain […]

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