juspopnfxbg.com - Jus Pop'n – Gourmet Popcorn in Fredericksburg, VA

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Locally owned by Carolyn Gipson in Fredericksburg, Virginia, Jus Pop’n was inspired by a popcorn tasting in Waterloo, Iowa, and brought back to give the city of Fredericksburg a delicious snack to appease discerning tastebuds. Jus Pop’n is proud to be one of a few minority and women owned businesses in Fredericksburg, Virginia. Our gourmet popcorn shop is here to give FXBG a space for people to meet and fellowship while enjoying delicious popcorn!

Give the best gift of all: the gift of OPTIONS! Whether your friend, family, or co-worker likes sweet or savory, you won’t have to guess… they can choose for themselves! And you have a choice too… how much do you want to spend?