jupyterhub.readthedocs.io - JupyterHub — JupyterHub documentation

Description: JupyterHub is the best way to serve Jupyter notebook for multiple users. Because JupyterHub manages a separate Jupyter environment for each user, it can be used in a class of students, a corporate ...

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JupyterHub is the best way to serve Jupyter notebook for multiple users. Because JupyterHub manages a separate Jupyter environment for each user, it can be used in a class of students, a corporate data science group, or a scientific research group. It is a multi-user Hub that spawns, manages, and proxies multiple instances of the single-user Jupyter notebook server.

JupyterHub can be used in a collaborative environment by both small (0-100 users) and large teams (more than 100 users) such as a class of students, corporate data science group or scientific research group. It has two main distributions which are developed to serve the needs of each of these teams respectively.

Links to jupyterhub.readthedocs.io (15)