juniorgolfinvitational.com - Junior Golf Invitational Overview - Go Golf Tours

Description: Go Golf Tours - All Junior GolfInvitational.com representatives are professional, well vetted, travel and coaching experts.

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It is not often that you have an opportunity to travel internationally and assimilate into the culture you are visiting. This will be one of those opportunities. We will spend time learning about the culture and history from the members of these historic clubs. We will be playing the same links courses where champion golfers have learned and competed for over 200 years.

All JuniorGolfInvitational.com representatives are professional, well vetted, travel and coaching experts. 30 years of coaching junior athletes combined with 15 years of organizing domestic and international tours. Our expertise provides all of our athletes a well organized, productive and fun tour.

This event has created friendships for our alumni, these have carried to college and beyond. You will not just be a part of this years team, you will be an alum and will have a common bond with those that played before you and those that will participate in the future. This experience continues long after the trip is completed.