jungledup.com - Jungled Up

Description: We're Seth and Kayla, two millennials trying to keep the peace with each other, our budget, our home improvements, and the environment.

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A few days ago Kayla added to our “Meet the Menagerie” section with a post about our chickens. It may not feel like it yet, but we are on our way towards spring, so we’re thinking about adding to our flock. We have five girls currently, but our coop is sized for about a dozen, …

Today I have to say goodbye to a friend. She was only thirty and she lit up every room she was in. She had a filthy mouth and got away with saying the most offensive shit. She had a heart the size of Texas, especially when it came to animals. Her name was Brianna. I …

Hello everyone! I know it’s been a long time since our last post, so I figured I’d write up a quick updates post to get everyone up to speed on all of the things. Busy season began in early April for Seth, so he has been working like crazy, which is normal for him this …