julieloar.com - JulieLoar.com | Author & Speaker: Ancient Wisdom for the Modern World

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Julie Loar is an award-winning author, astrologer and spiritual mentor. She is available for dream work, consulting, teaching, and workshops on Zoom. Julie is  the multiple award-winning author of A Sky Lore Anthology, Goddesses For Every Day, Messengers, The Hidden Power of Everyday Things, and Tarot and Dream Interpretation.   She is the thought leader and co-contributor to Quintangled:  A Game of Strategy, Chance, & Destiny. Her newest book, Symbol and Synchronicity:  Learning the Soul’s Language in Drea

Julie has pursued her life-long interest in angels, dreams, space travel, and other dimensions through an intensive twenty-five-year study of metaphysics, including shamanism. She has been a spiritual practitioner and teacher since 1972, focusing on symbols, mythology, astrology, astronomy, tarot, qabalah, and dreams.

Join her for a full moon meditation , schedule a reading or request an astrological chart , sign up for mentoring , subscribe to her newsletter , or attend one of her soon-to-be scheduled classes! Don’t miss out on an opportunity to include her work and mentoring as a part of your personal journey of awakening.