julieduffydillon.com - Find Your Food Voice with Julie Duffy Dillon - Speaker, Podcaster and Eating Disorders Specialist

Description: Defy diet culture, love your body, & reclaim peace with author, podcaster, nutrition therapist and eating disorders specialist, Julie Duffy Dillon MS, RD, NCC, CEDRD-S.

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Anti-Diet PCOS Home Course Podcast Free Tools About Blog Anti-Diet PCOS Defy diet culture. Declare body liberation. Reclaim your peace. Listen to the FIND YOUR FOOD VOICE Podcast Now Finally—a course that dispels the “PCOS BS” and gives you the power to live your best life with PCOS.

Tell me more! You don’t have to believe the lies. PCOS Power is the truth YOU need to know about your condition.

Anti-Diet Interviews Julie Rants Listeners’ Letters PCOS Real Life “Food used to be easy and fun… Now it’s used as a weapon. And lies about body image are destroying your worth and wellbeing. Stick with me—I’ll help you find your food voice and show you the liberating truth.”

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