juleskoostachin.com - Jules Arita Koostachin

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Creating meaningful change

Dr. Jules Arita Koostachin is a member of the Directors Guild of Canada and an award winning filmmaker who successfully completed her PhD with the Institute of Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice at the University of British Columbia. Her research MooNaHaTihKaaSiWew: Unearthing Spirit was focused on Indigenous documentary and positionality (relationship to stories). Since the beginning of time, the people of the MoshKeKo have shared stories from generation to generation. InNiNeWak (Cree) storytelling

Through Jules’ arts practice, she involves the use of film, photography, documentary, creative writing and installation. Her practice is deeply influenced by her Ancestral ties to the MoshKeKo AsKi . InNiNiNeWak teachings in the form of story, is an integral way to ensure our Ancestors voices are remembered and heard for generations to come.