judineal.com - Edgewalkers — Serving Those Who Walk Between the Worlds

Description: International consulting and coaching organization with a focus on supporting individuals and organizations that feel called to be on the leading edge. Edgewalkers International TM was founded by Dr. Judi Neal in 2006, the year her book Edgewalkers: People and Organizations that Take Risks, Build New Bridges, and Break New Ground was published.

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Serving Those Who Walk Between the Worlds

Next Edgewalker Cafe

Please join us on July 10, 2023 at 11am-12:30pm ET for the Edgewalker Cafe hosted by Judi Neal. There will be a facilitated panel discussion on the question of  “Is the Flourishing of All Possible in Today’s Divided and Polarized World?” The panelists include Graham Hart, Mark Sundby, Liz Denton, and Kim Byas.