jthealey.com - Jonathan Healey | Design

Description: Jonathan is an educator and designer of spatial-digital experiences, products, and places.

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Jonathan Healey is an architectural, product, and experience designer based in Washington, DC. He specializes in human-centered design, agile development, and creative pedagogy. He has practiced and taught professionally since 2003, working on projects ranging from new buildings to mobile applications, curriculum creation to thesis advising.

Currently an Associate Professor of the Practice at Georgetown University, Jonathan serves as the Associate Director of Ethics Lab at Georgetown University’s Kennedy Institute of Ethics, developing innovative ethics education for students and guidance for professional partners. There, Jonathan leads project and outreach efforts advancing the creative practices of responsible leaders across all disciplines and sectors, from technology to health to the environment.

Prior to joining Georgetown University, Jonathan was Design Director and Mobile Product Manager at Brivo, where he lead multidisciplinary teams creating new products impacting how we experience building environments through personalized security technology.