jtechphotonics.com - Laser Upgrade Products | J Tech Photonics, Inc.

Description: J Tech Photonics, Inc. provides laser upgrade kits for popular 3D Printers, CNC Brand products, and accessories. See our line of laser upgrade products!

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All instructions for upgrading machines are all done at the buyers or viewers own risk .  Lasers are inherently dangerous and all safety measures are the responsibility of the buyer or viewer.  While we provide some safety features on our laser kits, it is not a complete laser machine, so all additional features are up to you when you build your machine including interlocks, fume extraction, and fire prevention.  Not all companies or machines mentioned in this webpage are associated with J Tech Photonics In

Thank you again for going above and beyond for what has been the best customer service I’ve ever had

Thanks again, Jay! I really appreciate that you’ve gone above and beyond what you had to do as a business owner. This is fabulous customer support!

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