jrlfc.com - Deafo.com - featuring The Association and Text, Batteries & Earwax - both now available on DVD to buy.

Description: Deafo.com are the people behind the Deaf Comedy movies The Association and Text, Batteries & Earwax. Both movies (in British Sign Language with English subtitles) aim for good, old fashioned laughs while giving a glimpse into the world of Deaf people today.

film (20508) association (8273) dvd (5076) comedy (4558) deaf (430) subtitles (136) bsl (94) british sign language (27) earwax (12) william mager (2)

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Deafo.com are the people behind the Deaf Comedy movies The Association and Text, Batteries & Earwax . Both movies aim for good, old fashioned laughs while giving a glimpse into the world of Deaf people today.

Text, Batteries and Earwax has acquired legendary status in the Deaf community for showing Deaf - and partially hearing - people as they really are.

TB&E has played at film festivals around the world and is now released on DVD, along with The Association.