- JPL Curates

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The Archives – the institutional and personal correspondence, photographs, documents, and artifacts, and the Special Collections – antiquarian books, ephemeral material (postcards, chapbooks, pamphlets), miniature books, and other published but rare material – together form JPL-Curates whose subtext is digital storytelling: images and sound that will take visitors through our front doors and into several centuries of history and culture.

Digital storytelling is one of material history’s best friends: JPL-Curates attempts to transpose actual storytelling into words and images which together, create a narrative landscape with a borderless space.  The subtext of this initiative is a nod to the proverbial elephant in the room: these materials are special in the context of the JPL’s collection but to the people who read them, studied them, and shared them with one another, they were a part of everyday life. Jewish archives in particular emerged

Back in 2014 when the JPL turned 100, its first exhibition of rare books was entitled “A Roomful of Dwellings”. The idea was that each book in the collection could be imagined as a dwelling place, and the room in which the collection lives was the room in which these dwellings were situated. All stories – but especially Jewish ones – are rooms inside room.

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