- Junior/Senior High Ministry | Cedar Hills

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Sunday mornings at 9:45am (in between services) classes are available for all ages.  Middle and High School students meet for class, as well as a special membership class for 8th grade students called “Faith Quest”.  Classrooms assignments can be found out at the Welcome Center on Sunday mornings or by contacting Steve Poole,  Director of Youth and Young Adults.

8th Graders have a unique opportunity on Sunday mornings to attend Faith Quest, a class designed to teach students to go deeper in their faith, discover ways to link faith and life, find or renew a personal commitment to Jesus and His church, and embark on a journey of growth in that commitment to Jesus.  Faith Quest students maintain a journal throughout the year and record thoughts, reactions, and questions about each weekly theme.  At the end of the year, students have the opportunity to become members o

Journey Student ministry is a place for ALL students 6th-12th grade to come walk together on their faith journey.  We meet on Sunday nights from 6pm-8pm.  Each night starts with a café time where you can purchase items like pizza, candy, chips, hotdogs, soda and Keurig coffee drinks.  We rotate between large group teaching, small group discussion and games.  No matter where you are on your faith journey you are invited and welcomed to join us each and every week.