- Josh Leisenring, MS | Seeking to connect technology with nature in a digital world.

Description: Seeking to connect technology with nature in a digital world.

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Greetings! Just a quick update on the status of projects this week. On the Timeslip side of things, I am actually surprisingly far along on the next strip. It is fully illustrated, and much of the coloring and background work is already complete. There’s still a bit of shading, full highlighting, and some effects work to do, but otherwise I’ve made significant progress in the week since the last strip went up. I actually should have this ready to be posted by the end of this week!

I think the comic production process is getting quicker due to several factors, not the least of which is utilizing models and found images to sketch out the panels prior to illustrating. The photo collages go a long way toward laying the groundwork for the comic panels (see example below), cutting out a lot of the trial and error of the illustration process before pen even hits digital paper. Using actual photos for backgrounds has also been a game-changer. True, it’s a technique I adopted some time ago, b

In a way, generating the panels from photos first feels a bit like cheating, but for the sake of reducing the amount of time between strips, it is proving invaluable. With that said, however, once I complete the next strip, I will need to take brief hiatus from Timeslip to complete my final website project for one of my Web Development classes. Given that the website will be for Dermestid , however, I don’t necessarily consider this time lost as far as personal projects go. The website itself won’t be parti