- John Dye Expeditions

Description: John Dye Expeditions - fortnightly children's expeditions into the countryside of Moidart and Ardnamurchan

children (9760) walks (358) ardnamurchan (19) sunart (9) moidart (7) history walks (5) john dye (3) acharacle (2) john dye expeditions (1) hill walks (1)

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The village of Acharacle is in the wildly-beautiful coastal region of the Scottish Highlands which encompasses Ardnamurchan, Moidart and Sunart.   Some years ago a local man, John Dye, wondered why the children of the district spent their time in the local play park rather than out in the countryside - and he resolved to do something about it - by leading them into the hills every other weekend on adventurous and exciting half-day expeditions. This web site is a community celebration of the John Dye Expedit

In John's own words: "The Expedition Project is an inflated title for a simple plan to introduce some local children, and their parents, to aspects of the area they had never seen or even thought about. I hoped they would become as interested in local history, and the making of the local landscape as I have become." John Dye was awarded the MBE in the Queen's Birthday Honours of June 2007 for his services to the community in Lochaber and Argyll. John Dye Expeditions assemble at the Church of Scotland car pa