- Introducing Catherine Couturier Gallery

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It is with great excitement that we announce our name change from John Cleary Gallery to Catherine Couturier Gallery. In the last four years, the gallery has evolved to embrace both that which John Cleary and I both loved (mid-century French street photography and portraits of children, to name two) and more contemporary art that was always my area of expertise. The range of work represented is broader, and my eye is apparent on every wall and in every bin. It is now very much Catherine Couturier Gallery, a

The website is not yet complete, but we were eager to launch to show you our new direction. We will be adding new artists every day, and we hope that you will check back often to see the beautiful works we offer. We are very happy to enter this new stage and are so glad you are along for the ride.

Thank you for your support. We hope to see you soon.