- Joel 2:25 International

Description: Joel 2:25 is a Christian ministry that promotes an alternative to homosexual behavior. Key Words: Reparative Therapy, Conversion Therapy, Gay, ex-gays, Lesbian, Counseling, Homosexuality, homosexual, LGBT, Exodus, Catholic, Bisexuality, Gay marriage,Same sex marriage, Gay rights, Heterosexuality, SSA, same-sex attraction, SOCE, sexual orientation change therapy, Teens, Youth, exgay

counseling (6389) gay (4036) lesbian (1757) abuse (1055) gays (255) homosexuality (67) ex-gay (13) conversion therapy (7) exgay (4) reparative therapy (4)

Example domain paragraphs

Joel 2:25 is a Christian ministry that promotes an alternative to homosexual behavior. For some that may lead to path of discovering their own underlying heterosexuality. For others, it may just mean a lessening of their erroticized same-sex attraction along with greater peace and need fulfillment.

"I will restore to you the years which the swarming locust has eaten..."

In Joel 2:25, "The hopper, the destroyer, the great cutter, and great army” depict successive waves of scourge after scourge. They did not all come in one year, or two years, but year after year as it states in the plural “years.” They destroyed not only one crop, but they completely ate up all buds and seedlings; leaving a barren wasteland that could only be restored with super-natural intervention.

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