- Keeping your workplace safe - JobSafe SA

Description: JobSafe SA is committed to improving Work Health and Safety in the workplace and offer on-site workshop training sessions for your employees.

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Our trainer can attend on-site workshop training sessions for your employees. Course content can be tailored to capture specific health, safety and welfare issues within your company.

JobSafe SA is committed to improving Work Health and Safety in the workplace. JobSafe SA is a fully accredited SafeWork SA Approved Provider for Work Health & Safety Training. We aim to inform and empower Health and Safety Representatives (HSRs) to successfully perform their vital role within the workplace. Here, they can gain the necessary tools to execute their role of representing workers needs effectively.

JobSafe SA run HSR Level  1-3 Work Health and Safety training sessions for elected HSRs throughout the year. JobSafe SA also offer Health and Safety Committee Training and PCBU & Officer Training.