- Cherno Jobatey - TV-Presenter, Journalist, Speaker & Lecturer

Description: Cherno Jobatey, the well-known German TV personality (Washington Post), famous for wearing sneakers, was very successful as the long time editorial director of Huffington Post Germany.

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TV-Presenter Cherno Jobatey, „a popular host of pubcaster ZDF“ (VARIETY) – is “the TV’s Darling!” raves Europe’s biggest tabloid BILD.

He has „shaped the ZDF Morning News with his irrepressible zest“ according to Germany’s people magazine BUNTE. „His winning smile has long been part of the TV-show“, hails Cologne newspaper EXPRESS about the „well-known German TV personality“ (Washington Post). „No one is quite as entertaining ,“ adds Germany’s TV guide HoerZu. The Times described him as „the most high-profile black journalist in television.“

Moderator or journalist ? Journalist and moderator ? Which one is it – or is it both? “Cherno Jobatey is often underestimated: he is more news junkie than whimsical animator ” (WAZ). Moreover, he is “a moderator who combines his extensive knowledge with pure entertainment. And he does it with astonishing ease” (SportBILD).