- Joanne Mudhar

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I have always been deeply curious to explore “how the universe works” from as many different angles as possible… even if some of these approaches are “unconventional”. Welcome to my website where I share a little about me, and what I am exploring at the moment.

In my twenties I graduated in Mathematics from the University of Cambridge: even back then I wanted to understand how the universe worked. Following my first degree it seemed to me that mainstream science had proven somehow inadequate at explaining the deep mysteries and beauty of the world as it actually is, so my path through life has proven far more curious and interesting than I had anticipated. Alongside my ongoing interest in science I was always fascinated by the hidden, mystical and magical side of

For ten years I worked as a professional engineer in computing, meanwhile I was increasingly alarmed about the environmental crisis, so alongside my “day job” I graduated in Masters Degrees in Environmental Management with the University of East Anglia. I then moved to France, learnt French, and then gained another degree in Renewable Energy Systems (my studies were in French, the actual title of the degree is “Énergies renouvelables et leurs systèmes de production”) at the Institut Ensam de Corse in Corsic