- Journal of the Mexican Chemical Society

Description: The Journal of the Mexican Chemical Society (J. Mex. Chem. Soc.) is a scientific, blind, peer reviewed, and open access, non publication charge, quarterly publication which language of submission and publication is English. The J. Mex. Chem. Soc. covers all areas of chemistry and its sub-disciplines. It will primarily publish original contributions of research in all branches of the theory and practice of chemistry in its broadest context as well as critical reviews in active areas of chemical research wher

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Special issue: Celebrating Prof. Víctor M. Loyola Vargas career

Guest Editor: Prof. Felipe Vázquez-Flota, CICY.

The Journal of the Mexican Chemical Society (J. Mex. Chem. Soc. ) is a scientific, blind, peer reviewed, and open access, free of charge publication that covers all areas of chemistry and its sub-disciplines (i.e. medicinal chemistry, natural products, electrochemistry, material science, computational chemistry, organic chemistry, bioinorganic chemistry, etc). It is devoted to facilitating the worldwide advancement of our understanding of chemistry. It will primarily publish original contributions of resear

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