jimmywong.bio - JimmyWong | Born in Interesting Times, Doing Interesting Things

Description: I'm Jimmy, a tool product enthusiast, product designer, and lately, I've been working to make AI more accessible to more people.

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Blog Jimmy Wong Product Designer & Creator | Make Something Wonderful

I'm Jimmy, a tool product enthusiast, product designer, and lately, I've been working to make AI more accessible to more people.

An AI IM application. The vision is to make AI as "an assistant to enhance human intelligence". Newletter Learning Prompt Free prompt engineering online course. ChatGPT and Midjourney tutorials are now included! 随意搜寻 | 2023 主要是记录过去一周内,我搜寻到的让我有所感悟,和令我成长的信息。 播客小捕手 如果你跟我一样,在听英文播客的时候,常常遇到听不懂,听着累,甚至不知道听什么的问题。那么播客小捕手应该能帮到你。 🗯️ 碎碎念 23 / 04 / 25 SpaceX 的 Starship 虽然最后在空中爆炸,但 SpaceX 官方和 Elon Musk 都在 Twitter 上发表了庆祝的话,看到不少人在帖子下回复改变标准就算成功了?

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