- Marlena Muchnick, Jewish convert, fireside speaker and author

Description: Marlena Muchnick, Jewish convert, inspirational fireside speaker and author of seven inspiring books. Her feeling that something was missing and her need to know more of God's kingdom led her from the synagogue into the light of full truth. She found Christ and loves Him passionately.

inspirational speaker (208) lds speaker (4) jewish mormon (1) single adult firesides (1) lds fireside (1) fireside speaker (1) lds fireside speaker (1) jewish convert (1) lds inspirational speaker (1) mormon fireside (1)

Example domain paragraphs

I'm a Jewish convert to LDS. I owe my life to the Savior. Personal revelation tells me to facilitate understanding between the Jewish and the Mormon people. I speak to Latter-day Saint audiences to help them understand Jewish customs, religion, and the connections between Joseph and Judah. I will share with you:

I am the author of seven books, songs, a play, and several popular blogs on the similarities and differences between Mormons and Jews. My mission is to act as a messenger to the Saints about the importance of uniting these two cultures.

Saturday workshops are easy to set up and they've been received by very enthusiatic audiences. We discuss Judaic/Hebraic-LDS connections and foundations, helping you develop a better understanding of Judaism and your Jewish friends. Contact me for a Saturday workshop.