- Judaism: Jewish People Unite - Love Your Fellow Jew

Description: Every Jew from atheistic to hasidic is part of the Jewish People whether observing Judaism. Find resources and contacts to increase the bonds and bridges between all types of Jews

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Judaism: Building Bonds and Bridges Between Jews google_ad_client="pub-4520119733373775";;google_ad_width=336;google_ad_height=280;

Every Jewish person today, whether observing Judaism or not, feels connected as a Jew in a world where anti-semitism and outright attacks on Jewish people are on the rise. Over the last decade, the numerous attacks have grown. What has spurred this website into publication is the attack in Mumbai India. Please click the About Us button and, from there, read Tragedy in Mumbai. On that page, there is support for the concept that intellectual differences aside, soul to soul, each of us is part of the Jewish Pe

This site is intended to build connections through Judaism - not only within our own community but to the broadest community possible, and to build bridges between all types of Jews. The purpose is toward Ahavas Yisroel, loving every Jew, especially in a world where Jews are agreeing to disagree. We can weave unity by knitting one Jew to another. Shalom in our homes, shalom in our communities, shalom in our workplace and shalom for Jewish people everywhere is the goal. The connection is that we have the sam