- JETSTREAM Aviation Academy - Aviation Academy Approved by HCAA under the EASA Regulations

Description: JETSTREAM is an EASA Approved Training Organization (ATO) with an international profile, supporting Airline Operators and Individual Pilots in set up, selection and training.

aviation training (47) helicopter pilot training (15) approved courses (5) dgca approved (2) dgca approved courses (1) dgca type rating cources (1) easa approved courses (1) gcaa approved (1) gcaa approved courses (1) jaa approved courses (1)

Example domain paragraphs

Europe - Greece Athens Training Center

Middle East - UAE Dubai Training Center UAE - Dubai Type Rating Center BOEING B737 NG AIRBUS A320 AIRBUS A330

Turkey - Istanbul Type Rating Center BOEING B737 NG AIRBUS A320 AIRBUS A330/A340