- JETco. — Creating extraordinary gatherings.

Description: JETco. creates extraordinary gatherings that inform and inspire.

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Something is extraordinary if it is outside of the status quo, remarkably different, unusual, or personally unfamiliar. At an extraordinary gathering, you don’t always know what to expect, but you’re never afraid of what will happen next.

JETco. does not operate from a centralized location but instead creates digital and in-person gatherings for individuals primarily located on Turtle Island – the land that is colonially known as North America. We gratefully acknowledge the ongoing Native stewardship of this land, stewardship that also extends back through many generations. This land is bound up in a legacy of inequity, theft, and enslavement that is further propelled by the technologies we use and the stories we tell. We acknowledge this co

To begin learning more about the stewardship of the lands you occupy, visit (with special attention to their disclaimer).

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