- Home — Jeffrey K. Walker

Description: Writer of historical fiction. 8th career, so can't hold a job. Ex-B-52 nav, played by James Earl Jones in the movie. Never beaten at Whack-a-Mole.

Example domain paragraphs

An unflappable Irish widow resolves to carry on no matter what and keep her loved ones safe under her watchful eye… 

Family secrets. Family strife. A lively pub in the Coombe. Sometimes you don’t see what’s right in front of you. Sometimes you see too much. Sometimes attempting to repair and unite your family can bring you to the brink of disaster. But unflinching Eda Brannigan tirelessly dedicates herself to the challenge as her children and her homeland tangle in unforeseen ways.

The horrors of the First World War devastated many a Dublin family and the Brannigans weren’t spared. Struggling to get past their heartache, the family finds itself divided by both the rebellion against British rule and the wide Atlantic. Devoted matriarch Eda Brannigan witnesses her family unraveling. Sean and Molly make startling choices with potentially lethal consequences. Francis steeps in a drunken angry stupor. Young Brandon is so eerily quiet. Eda desperately wishes her beloved firstborn, Deirdre,