jclrs.org - Journal of Contact lens Research and Science

Description: JCLRS will provide a unique forum for clinicians, researchers and scientists to share case reports, original research and clinically relevant articles to optical professionals around the world. The every changing landscape of contact lens research and science has given cause for a publication that can help enlighten and educate those professionals with an interest in contact lens. Topics will range from myopia control, Sclerals and through to multifocal success (for example). JCLSR will be an e-based, ope

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The Journal of Contact Lens Research and Science (JCLRS) publishes research and scholarly contributions that inform the development, implementation, and evaluation of practice, research, education, leadership in contact lens science and research.  JCLRS provides a platform for researchers and practitioners to share knowledge in the form of high-quality research papers, case studies, and book reviews; All content is published in an Open Access format and all content is freely available for anyone to view, re

 ISSN 2561-3103

This Journal is published by The Dougmar Publishing Group Inc. www.thedougmargroup.com

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