jbossts.blogspot.de - Narayana team blog

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This is the blog site for the Narayana team. Expect postings on our transaction projects, but also on general transaction issues.

In the last few months, I have been working on how distributed transactions are recovered in WildFly when this Application Server (AS) is deployed in Kubernetes. This blog post is a reflection on how Narayana performs on the cloud and the features it is still missing for it to evolve into a native cloud transaction suite.

Narayana started its journey more than 30 years ago! ArjunaCore was developed in the late 1980s. Even though the theoretical concept of cloud computing was introduced by John McCarthy in 1961 [1][2], at the time of ArjunaCore’s development it was still considered only as a theoretical possibility. However, in the past two decades, the implementation of cloud computing has increased exponentially, dramatically changing the world of technology. As a consequence, Narayana (and its ArjunaCore) needs to step up