jayuk.org - Jay's Blog – Ramblings of a maker

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Fysetc in China have been producing Duet 3 clones for quite a while now. They started off producing Duet 2 wifi and ethernet boards and paneldues, and have since progressed onto Duet 3 6HC’s, Duet 3 3HC’s, Toolboards, distribution boards and 1XD’s. They were cloning the Duet 3 Mini 5+ for a while but have since withdrawn them and started producing their own variant called the “Big Dipper”. More on that board in another post.

I recently managed to acquire both an original Duet Toolboard v1.1 and a Fysetc Toolboard v1.1 .

For those of you that don’t know, the Duet 3 range of control boards have a feature called CAN-FD. It allows the sending of data over two wires between multiple devices and is used a lot within modern cars etc. It has a data rate that is roughly 5 times faster than traditional CAN. But what does that mean to you and your 3D printer? Well lets just think about a typical direct drive tool head arrangement on a 3D printer. You have 4 wires for the driver, 2 wires for the hotend, 2 for the thermistor, 2 for the