jayne.press - Jayne.press – A place where you can be human.

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A place where you can be human.

Follow me on Twitter Follow me on Instagram Get Perspective Writing Group 101 I’ve been talking about writing groups for a couple days now so I thought tonight would be a good night to share another writers input on writing groups. Author Joani Elliott says something I love. She says,”Writing can be a lonely endeavor and a good writing group can help provide needed strength, feedback and perspective to be successful.” !! I’ve added her link to this post. She shared a wealth of information in that article so

My first writing group, I was so nervous. After the first meeting I left with more confidence in myself. After meeting for several months, I left excited to be a part of a group with such gifted writers. It helped me to shift from looking mostly at myself to truly admiring the artists and creators around me.

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