javiersalazarcalle.com - Javier Salazar Calle

Description: Javier Salazar Calle, escritor de grandes relatos para adultos y para niños.

libros (1689) linkedin (653) poesía (239) cuentos (215) poemas (181) aventuras (82) sumalee (2) ndura (1) álex y álvaro (1)

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My latest novel is now available, "Kulap. Historias de Trakaul 2"  

Interactive stories about the adventures of two mice that discover the world and let their imagination fly. Delicious stories that will delight children and come full of activities in which they can help the main characters and learn at the same time: coloring, counting objects, following the dotted lines or with riddles ... A great adventure for the whole family!.

A captivating mafia, mystery and violence story