- JavaSpec 2.0 | JavaSpec 2.x is a Java library that lets you use lambdas to write specifications that run on the JUnit 5 platform

Description: JavaSpec 2.x is a Java library that lets you use lambdas to write specifications that run on the JUnit 5 platform.

Example domain paragraphs

JavaSpec 2.x is a Java library that lets you use lambdas to write specifications that run on the JUnit 5 platform.

JavaSpec 2 is a library for the Java Virtual Machine that lets you use lambdas to write specifications (unit tests) that run on the JUnit Platform. Specifications run anywhere JUnit 5 runs: Gradle, JUnit Platform Console, or your favorite IDE. It does the same thing you can do with JUnit 5, but with a syntax that is more descriptive–and more concise–than its JUnit counterpart.

JavaSpec 2 should work just about anywhere JUnit 5 works. All you have to do is add a compile dependency for the API (providing the new spec syntax) and a runtime dependency for a JUnit Test Engine that knows how to turn specifications into JUnit tests.