jasonbpoole.com - Jason B. Poole - Entrepreneur

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Home Contact Us Real Estate Insurance Construction Jason B. Poole Real Estate Insurance Construction 901-488-7708 Jason B. Poole Real Estate Insurance Construction 901-488-7708 Jason B. Poole Real Estate Insurance Construction 901-488-7708 Jason B. Poole Real Estate Insurance Construction 901-488-7708 (function(){Number(window.vctElements)||(window.vctElements=0),window.vctElements++;var i=new Image();i.onload=window.markVisuallyComplete;i.srcset="//img1.wsimg.com/isteam/ip/befc798d-5f5b-45f6-bb74-311651a5f

I possess a sharp eye for detail, which I use to find even the smallest errors in text. I work well under pressure and can produce high-quality work in short periods of time. I have strong interpersonal skills and work with a wide variety of people.

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