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俺の名前は My name is

There seems to be a lot of interest in a manga by OO after it's serialization into an anime. I'd say a lot of the buzz is around a certain character, but why not take a look at the manga to get a better idea. Especially seeing as the first chapter (and it's roughly 200 pages) is freely available to read for the time being. I'll keep it brief and only translate a few pages that I find interesting. Source

Page ?? ナレーター: 人はみな誰にも見せぬ自分を持っている。友人にも、恋人にも、家族にさえも。張りつけた笑顔や虚勢で本音を隠し本性を隠し。そうやって世界は―― Narrator: All people have a self they don't show. Not to friends, lovers, or even family. Hiding one's true feelings, one's nature, by plastering on a smile or bold face. And just like that, the world... ナレーター: ――かりそめの平穏を取り繕っている。 Narrator: ... 外交官: 大使館までやってくれ。 Diplomat: 運転手: かしこまりました。 Driver: 運転手: ...!?あれ!?ブレーキが... Driver: 外交官: おい何してる前―― Diplomat: ナレーター: 東国においてわが国の外交官が事故死した。 Narrator: