janpaulposma.nl - JP's exposition

Description: Projects on interactive education, curbing misinformation, open government, funky lights, multitouch tables, glass harps, love, and more.

Example domain paragraphs

WebAssembly is going to completely change the web, so I learned a bit about it by compiling a Fluid Solver in WebAssembly . I also used it in a ridiculous programming system: Paper Programs — and having a projector like that led me to make some Projector art .

I wrote On funding medical research , which I’ve thought a lot about recently. I wrote about backing up data in Moving data in 10 minutes . I catalogued some of my favourite works of fiction and non-fiction: Nature of the Universe .

When the Bay Area was all smoky, I made a quick mashup: SF Koyaanisqatsi . When I was learning about security research, I made a Hacker101 CTF walkthrough . I also collected some of my Insta-wisdom . I made a little interactive graphic on the world’s Carbon Budget . And I played a bit with the Jai programming language.

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