jangemrot.com - Jan Gemrot • painter

Description: The art of Jan Gemrot is a psychological excursion into the troubles of contemporary society., it is also their synthesis. He approaches the themes of his drawings with a realistic, or rather a hyper-realistic denotation, often punctuated by his particular gestic and expressive technique. Using concrete visual elements, his work tackles and presents otherwise hard-to-grasp feelings and atmospheres, which he delivers with strong psychological impact. His brilliant graphic presentation develops a story that a

art (55304) obrazy (492) malíř (76) painte (4) jan gemrot (2) honza gemrot (2)

Example domain paragraphs

The Unbearable Complexity of Being from cycle the superconscious 165 × 120 cm, oil on canvas, 2022, private collection

quo vadis from cycle the superconscious 165 × 165 cm, oil on canvas, 2022, private collection

b2 from cycle solitudes 150 × 120 cm, oil on canvas, 2022, private collection